Have you received charge credit or do you have charge credit in your account? Here's what you need to know about it.
What is charge credit?
Charge credit is an amount that is added to your Fastned account, which is automatically used to settle your monthly invoice.
Where can I find my charge credit?
If you have charge credit in your account, you will be able to see the amount available in your profile in the Fastned app, in the 'My credit' section.
Quick tip:If you do not have charge credit in your account, you will not be able to see the 'My credit' menu.
How can I use my charge credit?
If you have charge credit in your account, it will automatically be deducted from your monthly invoice.
- If the amount of your invoice is higher than the amount of charge credits you have available, the totality of your charge credits will be used and the amount of your invoice will be consequently lowered.
- If the amount of the invoice is lower than the amount of charge credits in your account, your invoice will be settled automatically and the remainder of your charge credits will be visible in your account.